Baines Simmons Consulting

Aviation Consulting Services

Our consulting services help aviation organisations to achieve and maintain compliance and safety performance. We provide support through scientific research, expert advice, and practical assistance with delivering and sustaining safety and compliance initiatives and programmes.


Our Services

We can help our clients to:

  • Understand how their organisation measures against industry benchmarks and help them to establish a practical vision for safety and compliance
  • Develop, implement, and power-up management systems that meet the operational needs of their organisations
  • Achieve confidence in how they are managing compliance and safety risk on behalf of their organisation and their stakeholders

Our SMARRT Approach

SMARRT powers our portfolio of services. Our Safety Management and Risk Reduction Toolkit ensures our clients receive robust solutions that reflect the latest best practice and benefits from our investment in innovative and transformative thought leadership.

By engaging Baines Simmons, clients can rest assured that the advice and support they receive is underpinned by a commitment to developing high-quality solutions. Our consultants will work closely with clients to help them realise their objectives, employing proven methodologies and tools, as well as accessing the considerable wealth of intelligence and experience within the team.