Regulatory Gap Analysis

Our gap analysis service can assist your organisation with these first steps to changing your business. Whether it is a variation or change to an organisational approval or extension of scope, a gap analysis review is will help you understand what will need to be addressed.

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Gap Analysis

It is the nature of organisations to evolve and change in response to its business strategy or other external influences such as regulatory change. However, organisational change can be more challenging for organisations in safety-critical industries where regulatory compliance is the baseline barrier in managing its safety risk. First step for most organisations is to understand their regulatory status against where the ideal they want to reach. Our gap analysis will identify the difference between an organisation’s current compliance standard and what needs to be achieved to meet the standard required for the approval change, including the management system, staff competence, infrastructure and resources, policies and procedures.

Why choose our gap analysis service?

Our gap analyses are more than just audit reports. Our regulatory experts and auditors give insights on what is required to achieve the desired end state, drawing insights from our extensive experience of helping organisations achieve their regulatory approvals.
This service complements our Organisational Approvals Support service so is ideal for those organisations that intend to proceed with gaining a new approval or changing an existing one.