Fatigue Safety Case Development

The scope of safety cases can be wide-ranging, from sleep studies involving significant levels of data collection from a large number of crew, to more simple studies. The size and nature of the safety case depends on the extent of the derogation or alternative means of compliance being sought.  The main aim of any safety case is to assess whether you can deliver your desired programme without elevating fatigue levels above those experienced when operating to the publish ed flight and duty time limitations, and ensuring that they remain acceptable.

How our Fatigue Safety Case Development can help

Our safety case studies either aim to demonstrate an equivalent level of safety to the published limitations, or where there is no existing limit to test equivalence to, we establish where the limit should lie to maintain an acceptable level of alertness and prevent undue fatigue in the operation. 
A safety case consists of two key elements, a functioning Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) and a scientific study.


Our scientific study methods include

  • sleep diaries 
  • actigraphy 
  • performance testing
  • use of bio-mathematical modelling 
  • subjective measures of alertness, sleepiness, workload and performance 

After completing the study, we provide you with the full findings in report format and an executive summary for briefings, as well as presenting the results back to you and answering any questions.  We can also provide you with a cleaned, finalised and anonymised dataset.

Why choose us to assist with your Fatigue Safety Case?

Our fatigue experts have a proven record of delivering successful safety case projects as well as assisting regulators in reviewing  scientific submissions from operators.  This has enabled us to develop practical knowledge and understanding of what constitutes an appropriate and evidence-based safety case that is recognised and accepted by regulators.