Airworthiness Best Practice for Managers

TR71 | 5 days

Airworthiness has, in recent years, become an increasingly broad and complex discipline with relatively little guidance and literature available to the airworthiness professional in the field. Because of this, airworthiness is typically understood and articulated by the industry in silos, at the detriment of achieving greater aircraft safety levels and more cost-effective operations. Breaking down these silos is therefore fundamental to knowing how to maximise the returns from your airworthiness activities and investment.

This 5-day course is delivered by a team of Baines Simmons’ initial and continuing airworthiness experts, affording you an unparalleled opportunity to benefit from their own professional practical experience as well as insights gleaned from many clients with whom they have engaged on airworthiness issues.

Upcoming Training

30 Jun - 04 Jul 2025

Virtual Classroom

£2,275.00 (excl. VAT)

20 Oct - 24 Oct 2025

Bracknell Academy

£2,275.00 (excl. VAT)

In-Company Training

Please Enquire

Delivered exclusively for your company

How will this course benefit me?

Responding to our clients’ needs for a more in-depth look at airworthiness in all its guises, this course will help you to understand best practices across the spectrum of airworthiness, bridging gaps in understanding in order to facilitate thinking around what airworthiness system performance can – and should - deliver to your organisation.

Completing this course will change how you view and value airworthiness activities in your organisation and enable you to contribute to:

  • Improved performance of your organisational approval through a better understanding of the various interfaces that you need to work with
  • Enhanced decision-making on airworthiness activities
  • Greater ability to inform and assure yourself of the risks posed by your contractors and subcontractors
  • Unwanted business losses reduced by identifying and mitigating potential risks
  • Organisational efficiency improved through reductions in rework
  • Improved Regulator confidence due to your organisation being able to demonstrate greater understanding and compliance with the regulations


Key areas of focus

  • What is Airworthiness?
  • Design and Production Processes and Type Certification
  • The role of the Operator and Certificate of Airworthiness
  • Performance of Maintenance
  • Preventing Accidents and Accident Investigation
  • Retirement and Disposal


Is this course right for me?

This course is aimed at aviation professionals working across the aviation industry who require an overall understanding of airworthiness and the complex interdependencies that it involves. It is therefore suitable for representatives from:

  • Maintenance Organisations (e.g. Maintenance Managers, Quality Managers)
  • Design Organisations (e.g. CVEs, Design Engineers)
  • Manufacturers (e.g. Production Managers, Quality Managers)
  • Competent Authorities (e.g. Inspecting and support staff)
  • Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisations (e.g. Continuing Airworthiness Managers,
  • Technical Services, Planning & Records Managers)
  • Airlines (e.g. Flight Manager Technical)



There are no prerequisites for this course. 


Course details

Course format: This course is a balanced mix of group discussions, flipchart work and PowerPoint presentations. Managed syndicate exercises give you the opportunity to practise the application and evaluation of new processes and techniques.
Course level: Foundation Level Training (F) is suitable for those with little or no prior knowledge of the subject who are looking to develop a fundamental level of understanding, competency and knowledge.
Assessment process: No formal assessment. Formative feedback is provided by the facilitator.
Course size: 16 persons maximum at our Aviation Safety Academy or on-site at your facility

Frequently asked questions

I have just started working in the aeronautical industry. Will this course help me understand the aviation regulations, terminology and expectations?

Yes. This course is designed to address the European (i.e. EASA) and UK CAA regulations as applicable throughout the product life cycle (i.e. from concept, to certification, to repairs and finally retirement).

I am an experienced design/production/maintenance engineer/technician/manager. Will this course benefit me?

Yes. A key feature of this course is to explore the term “airworthiness” (for which there is currently no universally recognised definition) and the roles, relationships and interfaces between approved organisations in establishing and maintaining airworthiness. Many people specialise in only one area (e.g. either Design or Maintenance) and seldom have the opportunity to explore the benefits to be gained from understanding the bigger picture.

I work in the military aeronautical industry. Will this course be useful to me?

Yes. Firstly, the key tenets of airworthiness are universal. Secondly, the European Defence Agency has adopted an EMAR regulatory framework (based on the EASA framework), which is now being adapted/adopted by many military aviation authorities across the world. Our experienced facilitators can relate to both the civil and military environments and explore the related challenges with you in the interactive classroom environment.