Enhancing Performance

LOSA (Line Operations Safety Audit)

When designing operations, standards and training, operators make assumptions about how work is done on the line i.e. ‘work-as-imagined’. LOSA provides a unique insight into ‘work-as done’ during real operations and provides valuable insights into what is actually working well, or not so well, on the line.

Maintenance Line Operations Safety Audit (MLOSA)

The risks associated with hazards seem obvious after an incident or accident; however, the initial identification and interpretation of hazards are some of the most challenging aspects of risk management. A Maintenance LOSA (MLOSA) adopts a proactive strategy to address this.

Fatigue Safety Case Development

Safety Cases are a means of demonstrating to the regulator that an Alternative Means of Compliance or a specified part of the operation outside of prescriptive limitations is just as, or more, safe as operating within the prescribed regulations.
The scope of safety cases can be wide-ranging, from sleep studies involving significant levels of data collection from a large number of crew, to more simple studies. The size and nature of the safety case depends on the extent of the derogation or alternative means of compliance being sought.