Audit Team Leader Skills - Understanding your Responsibilities

TQ18 | 1 day

Having a firm understanding of how your role fits into the oversight of your organisation’s management system is a pivotal position within the Compliance Monitoring function.

Leading effective audits that add value to the organisation is essential with the Regulator’s adoption of Performance Based Oversight.

Upcoming Training

26 Jun - 26 Jun 2025

Bracknell Academy

£560.00 (excl. VAT)

20 Oct - 20 Oct 2025

Virtual Classroom

£560.00 (excl. VAT)

In-Company Training

Please Enquire

Delivered exclusively for your company

How will this course benefit me?
Attendance of this course will give you the skills and confidence to lead effective and value adding audits. This will provide the assurance required by the Accountable Manager that their organisation can confidently demonstrate compliance and that the Management System is performing at the required level and is supporting the business objectives.

For individuals following the Baines Simmons Compliance Monitoring pathway this is a key module to provide the skills and knowledge required to confidently lead audits.

Key areas of focus
• Compliance Monitoring – key principles, terminology and definitions
• The requirement for and intent of a Management System
• Roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
• Driving performance through the conduct of value adding audits
• Measurement and Reporting of performance using the Key Performance Question concept

Is this course right for me?
This practitioner level course is aimed at aviation professionals from across all domains who want to lead effective value adding audits in their organisation and understand how they can contribute to the organisation’s performance.

It is applicable to:
• People on the Baines Simmons Compliance Monitoring pathway
• Individuals who have been identified as Audit Team Leaders
• Senior Auditors who wish to progress
• Experienced auditors that want to refresh/update their skills
This course can also be delivered in-company at your site facilities. Speak to a Baines Simmons Learning Advisor.

• Experience of previous participation in audits

Course details
Course format: This course is a balanced mix of group discussions, flipchart work and PowerPoint presentations.
Course level: Practitioner Level Training (P) is suitable for those who have worked in the subject for some time and are familiar with core terminologies and concepts. Are looking to develop or update their level of knowledge and practical understanding
Assessment process: No formal assessment. Formative feedback is provided by the facilitator.
Course size: 16 persons maximum at our Aviation Safety Academy or on-site at your facility. This course can also be delivered virtually to a maximum of 12 persons.

Frequently asked questions

Is this course suitable for a small to medium size organisation?

Yes - we look at the intent of the requirements and allow you to explore how to best apply the principles to the size of your organisation.

I am not enrolled on the Baines Simmons Compliance Monitoring pathway. Can I still attend?

Yes - If you have been involved in audits previously and want to develop your skills to lead audits or as continuation training. 

Is the course aligned to any internationally recognized standard?

Yes - The course has been developed accounting for the concepts and requirements of ISO 19011:2018.

I work in the defence sector - is this suitable for me?

Yes - The course provides the competence and responsibilities required by a person nominated as the audit team leader and is not domain specific. 

I don't work in aviation. Is this course still relevant for me?

This course is about delivering the skills required by an audit team leader. You will understand the tools and techniques required to lead effective value adding audits which you can then implement in your organisation.